W0/LA8OKA Mini DXpedition/Business trip to
Kansas, USA
2-21 March 2009
Wichita, Kansas
LA8OKA Martin Storli
QSL Info
Martin Storli
Rudbakken 12
N-1480 Slattum
I had to go to Wichita to some flight testing in connection with my work. In my spare time I visited the
Radio Shack in Derby and loaded up my suitcase with a LDG AT-100Pro Antenna
Tuner. During the weekends
I drove up to see Dodge City, and visited Lake Cheney State Park and El Dorado
State Park to get on the air with my IC-703.
Operating bands and modes:
When spare time allowed I worked some QSO's on the 20 m band from
Lake Cheney State Park and El Dorado State Park.
Radio Equipment:
ICOM IC-703 160 m - 6 m HF/VHF Multimode Transceiver
Half-wave dipole for the 20 m band

The ICOM IC-703 Transceiver sitting the pedestal between the seats of the rental

The "shack", a Chevrolet Traverse parked below the dipole antenna.
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