OH0/LA8OKA Mini DXpedition to Åland
4 - 6 July 2008
LA8OKA Martin Storli
QSL Info
Martin Storli
Rudbakken 12
N-1480 Slattum
Me and my wife wanted to take a short visit to Åland since none of us had ever
been there. It takes only a day to drive from our home near Oslo, Norway to
Åland. Since Åland is it's own DXCC entity I of course had to bring with me some
radio gear.
Operating bands and modes:
I operated with a halfwave dipole cut for the 20 m band on 20 m, 10 m and 6 m.
The antenna was hanging from a flagpole to a tre close to the little cabin I
ICOM IC-703 160 m - 6 m HF/VHF Multimode Transceiver
ICOM IC-E92D 2 m/70 cm VHF/UHF FM/D-STAR Transceiver
Dipole antenna for 20 m
Switch Mode PS 12 VDC - 5 A

The dipole antenna hanging between the flagpole and a nearby tree.
The "shack" consisting of an ICOM IC-703 and an ICOM IC-E92D.

The little cabin we rented was located next to a unused flagpole, how neat!

This map shows the contacts I made on 6 m from OH0, with only the dipole and 10
watts from my ICOM IC-703.
This page was last updated 13.05.17 .