M/LA8OKA Mini DXpedition/Business trip to
25 February -15 March 2008
Stockport, near Manchester
LA8OKA Martin Storli
QSL Info
Martin Storli
Rudbakken 12
N-1480 Slattum
I had to go to Manchester, UK to attend a B737-NG Avionics course, it's a 3 week
course so I decided to bring with me my ICOM IC-703 and a hand held, while I has
been here I also picked up an ICOM IC-E92D.
Operating bands and modes:
I operated on the 20 m band from the car park outside the hotel.
ICOM IC-703 160 m - 6 m HF/VHF Multimode Transceiver
ICOM IC-E92D 2 m/70 cm VHF/UHF FM/D-STAR Transceiver
KENWOOD TH-F7E 2 m/70 cm VHF/UHF FM Transceiver
Dipole antenna for 20 m
Switch Mode PS 12 VDC - 5 A

The car parked in the car park outside Village Cheadle Hotel. The hotel can be
seen in the background. The antenna is installed as an Inverted V from one of
the branches of the pine tree behind the car.

The center insulator of the 20 m half wave dipole can be seen on this picture,
right below the branch.

The ICOM IC-703 in the "shack" resting on the back of the backseat. The
transceiver was powered from the lighter outlet of the car.

The "shack" as seen from the outside.
This page was last updated 13.05.17 .