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JW Portable Field operation
JW8OKA & JW5NNA DXpedition to Svalbard 1-5 July 2004
Longyearbyen - Spitsbergen Island - Svalbard - Norway
Position: 78º17'8'' North - 15º29'9'' East
Locator: JQ78rg
IOTA: EU-026
LA8OKA Martin Storli
QSL Info
Martin Storli
Rudbakken 12
N-1480 Slattum
LA5NNA Eivind W. Aavik
QSL Info
Eivind W. Aavik
Ytre Revoey
N-4586 Korshamn
The summer of 2004, my employer started to fly into Longyearbyen, Svalbard (I
work for an airline.). This gave me an opportunity to get discounted tickets, so
I invited a friend of mine, LA5NNA Eivind and everything was set for an exiting
Operating bands and modes:
We operated on 40 m, 20 m, 17 m and 6 m using a inverted dipole for 40 m and 20
m, a 70 m longwire for 40 m and 17 m and a vertical dipole for 6 m. Most QSO's
was in SSB, but we also had a few in PSK31.
Radio Equipment:
ICOM IC-706MKIIG 160 m - 70 cm HF/VHF/UHF Multimode Transceiver
Kenwood TH-F7E 2 m/70 cm VHF/UHF FM Transceiver
LDG RT-11 Automatic antenna tuner
MFJ-948 Antenna tuner
Wire antennas made on location
Switch Mode PS 12 VDC - 23 A
ICOM IC-77 160 m -10 m HF Multimode Transceiver
Kenwood TH-78E 2 m/70 cm VHF/UHF FM Transceiver
ICOM IC-PCR1000 10 kHz - 1300 MHz Receiver
MFJ-971 Antenna tuner
Wire antennas made on location
Portable PC for PSK-31
Switch Mode PS 12 VDC - 23 A
The equipment also included two digital cameras to
provide pictures from the operating site by SSTV and MFSK.
The antennas that was made on Svalbard was a Inverted V antenna consisting of
one 40 m dipole and one 20 m dipole, a vertical 6 m dipole and
a 70 m long random wire antenna.
Many thanks to
LA5PNA and LA8WF for loan of equipment!
Many thanks to Andreas and

The campsite the 4 july-04. We where allowed to operate from the service
building as long as we didn't disturbed the rest of the residents on the camp.
The antennas dominating the picture are listening antennas used by Svalbard
Radio, our antennas was attached to the roof of the service building.

The view from Longyearbyen Airport.

LA5NNA Eivind in Tromsø enjoying a short distance QSO with one of the locals.

JW8OKA Martin
with his vertical 6 m dipole made on eyesight in a hurry just to get on the air
when LA7SP reported that he could hear
We managed to work LA, SM and OH on the short 6 m pile-up.
Due to severe fading we used quite long time on each QSO to get the call signs

JW8OKA Martin in front of the service building at Longyearbyen Camping. It's
possible to see JW5NNA on the inside in a QSO. From the roof of the service
building we had streched our inverted V antennas for 20 m and 40 m, and a 70
m long random wire antenna which we used on 17 m.

JW5NNA Eivind at the end of the 70 m long random wire antenna.

JW8OKA Martin in QSO using his ICOM IC-706MKIIG transceiver.

JW5NNA Eivind in QSO with a DX-station.

The logs of JW8OKA and JW5NNA

JW5NNA trying to receive Weather Satellite signals from NOAA-15.
The jacket is used to make it dark enough for him to see the computer screen in
the bright arctic sunlight.
The antenna is the white wire on the table. Note the sheet metal used as a
reflector on the ground below the table.

One of EISCAT antennas at Gruve 7.

JW8OKA Martin trying to put the EISCAT antenna into something usefull HAM
business ;-)

The fixed EISCAT antenna at Gruve 7.
This page was last updated 13.05.17 .